Friday, May 22, 2009

Life Gets In The Way

Have you ever noticed how life gets in the way? I haven't posted on this blog for 19 days - not for a lack of wanting, but because I have been really busy.

Cutesome got sick again with some kind of flu bug, then his asthma flared up again and now he has a cold along with the wheezing and rattling in his chest. There's just nothing like a sick baby to keep you from doing other things. The I went a little bit overboard on an Activity Days activity and spent a TON of time making a game to teach the kids about money and life. (Thanks to my sister, Jenny, it turned out great and the kids had fun too!) I'm also babysitting Gage a few days a week this month and Rob has been working lots of late nights and Saturdays and the girls have extra dance practices to prepare for the recital. And then there's all the usual stuff: yard work and 4-days-a-week baseball and t-ball and laundry and feeding the family and housework and 2 dentist appointments and some doctor appointments and book group and school programs and helping kids with homework and I still house clean for another family and trying to find time for each kid to get enough know, just the usual for a mom. I seriously don't know how my mom did it with 6 kids so close in age. And I only remember once when she left the house and I wondered if she was ever coming back. Of course, she did - and on the very same day, too! (You're my hero, mom!)

Since the beginning of May I've been waking up at 6:30 a.m. (way too early) so I could have a shower and get dressed before waking up the kids at 7:15 to get ready for school and I've been trying to make breakfast most mornings so they get less sugar and more protein. And there is SO much more I want to be doing to be a better person and a better mother and a better sister and friend and daughter and.... So if I seem distracted or if I don't notice something you need help with please be patient with me!

Today my visiting teachers came (both mothers of 2 children not yet in school or other activities) and talked about how we should get together more often and I honestly could not figure out how I would work that into my life right now. How do you convey to someone that you honestly would love to spend time with them, but that you just don't have time right now? It sounds lame and fake. And in just 2 short weeks the kids will be out of school and I'll have all 4 home.

The other day when Dreamer left to work I told him there are days I really miss just going to work and only having to worry about my job for 8 hours and have a nice quiet drive to and from to just think. He, of course, envies me being able to stay home and have more time with the kids. Don't get me wrong - this is EXACTLY the life I signed up for and I love it; I'm just ready for things to slow down a bit. Hopefully summer will provide some much-needed rest for all of us. And we won't be doing 4 days a week of baseball ever again. Maybe soccer, though, because Olivia and Alex both want to try soccer next. I guess I do it to myself, but hopefully it will benefit the kids in the long run.

I think I hear Avery. Break time is over.


Debbie said...

Thanks for the nice words and for updating. I know you are very busy and you're a great mom, daughter, sister, friend, daughter-in-law, etc. I am very impressed. I don't remember the time I left but undoubtedly there was! There were many times I felt like it but I always loved my kids and could never have abandoned them!

mIcHeLLe said...

oomg! you ARE busy..ugh....amazing what fills our days..huh? May is extremely busy here at our house..I think it's the Spring sports that threw us for a loop...yikes! oh and don't get me started about the Summer that's ahead of us...aaaaaaaahhhhh.