Aren't they the cutest?
Cutesome and I.
My only blue-eyed baby! I have always LOVED brown eyes, but something about having blue on my beautiful baby makes me love blue eyes as well!
Everyone should have a big sister that adores them like Confidence does Cutesome.
Why would you use 2 bowls when 1 giant one works just fine?
While cousin Kenlee was staying with us last weekend we did "Satin Hands, Satin Lips, Facials and Manicures. Clockwise from boy: Dynamite, Emma (cousin), Confidence, Kenlee, Vivacious.
Cutesome learning how to use his walker.
Boy do I love having kids that love to cook! Note to self: continue teaching kids how to do stuff I don't like do.
There is nothing like the joy of having children. Yours are fantastic! You're doing a great job with them.
Your kids are amazing. I can't believe the things they do on their own. I need some tips on making my daughter more independent!
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