Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vivacious's Choir Program

Vivacious participated in Tolman's school choir. They practiced two days each week, 45 minutes before school started, for 3 months prior to the performance. It was a big commitment and Vivacious stuck with it all the way to the end without missing a single practice.

The theme for the program was "Americana". The kids learned all sorts of songs that have been popular in America, including "Yankee Doodle", "Fifty Nifty United States", and many, many others. Now she (as well as Confidence) can name all the states in alphabetical order. Vivacious and the rest of the kids did a wonderful job entertaining us.

Vivacious and Dynamite after the show.

Anxiously waiting for the performance to begin (center front).

Her fans included her mom and dad, both brothers and sister, both Grandpas, one Grandma, Aunt Jenny and cousin Emma.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I love these pictures! Especially the one with Alex and Olivia on the steps.