Friday, May 22, 2009

Annoying, Yet Memorable Advertising

The other day Vivacious was counting her money and had a stack of dollar bills. She left them sitting on the floor and Dynamite (age 5) said, "Vivacious, you should put some eyeballs on that money and say, 'This is the money you could be saving with Geico'."

This got me thinking. Just imagine all the good things we could fill children's heads with if instead of commercial advertising we had positive messages or something like that. What if those highly-paid marketers spent their time figuring out how to get children to really believe positive messages about themselves or others rather than working so hard to design commercials that sell the products they are paid to promote. Now that would be time well spent.


Debbie said...

You are absolutely right. The media could be such an amazing force for good, and for education, moral training, etc. That is so funny as a story!

Rachel said...


tazima said...

time AND MONEY well spent. thanks for this post!