Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Beautiful Day At The Park

My sister, Aubrey, and I took our boys to the park. Left to right: Cutesome, Gage (I babysit him), Asher, Dynamite and Josh.

Gage, Asher, Dynamite, Josh.

Cutesome, Aubrey, Gage, Dynamite, Josh, Asher.

Josh working the 'digger'.

Cutesome - being cute!

Dynamite pushing Gage on the swing. Josh in the background too.

Dynamite and Josh were very interested in the skateboarder doing his tricks.

Asher, Cutesome and Aubrey.

Asher loves sand! Although I wasn't fast enough with the camera to catch it, he was laying in the sand on two occasions.


Aubrey Anne said...

Thanks for taking these! I hope you don't mind if I steal them!

Debbie said...

Looks like you had lots of fun!