Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MORE Strep

The strep is spreading throughout the family, but all too slowly.  I wish we could just get it over with already.  Olivia's strep spread to Avery.  Then I contracted it, and now I'm certain Ashlie has it.  I hope Alex, Rob and my dad are able to avoid it, but if they're going to get it I wish they'd all get it at once and be done with it! 

I am so grateful for antibiotics, as I've seen the dramatic and quick turn-around in our health this week once antibiotics were taken.  Unfortunately, they've been hard to get.  I've always heard that once one person in a household got strep, the others should be able to get antibiotics without having to be seen by a doctor.  In addition to several doctor visit copays and prescription costs, Avery and I both had to be seen at InstaCare, so health costs will hit our pocketbook hard this month. 

On a positive note: There's nothing like being sick to make one grateful for one's health!

Added April 22: Rob did end up getting strep, in fact he also got a mild case of tonselitis!  He was in bed for several days, which is really unusual for him!

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