I recently finished reading Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls, by Mary Pipher, Ph.D. It is a must-read for anyone with daughters. I truly believe it should be passed out when they're born so you can read it 15 or so times before they become teenagers. I STRONGLY encourage anyone in contact with girls - and more particularly my daughters - to read this book! I wish all my girls' school teachers, Primary and Young Women leaders, aunts and uncles, grandparents and their friends' parents would read this book!
I bought 2 extra copies so I could loan a couple out. I could put you on my waiting list or you can find it at the library or on Amazon for about $4.00.
Reviving Ophelia is written from the perspective of girls, but most of the lessons that can be learned from this book are just as applicable to boys.
Its a must read for anyone who has children or grandchildren who are approaching adolescence.
I will read this. I have such a stack right now of books to read. There's so much out there!
I bought this book when Chloe was born and it still sits on my shelf! I will read it!! Also, do you have the book The Wonder of Boys by Gurian? I also bought this and have yet to of read it...but have heard great things about it...you are welcome to borrow it if I ever bump into you :) or check it out at the library...thanks for this post, it may make me break out the books!
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