Thursday, May 20, 2010

May Pictures

I LOVE the old-fashioned "Little People".  My mom gave us some a few years back and I bought some on ebay.  Luckily Avery loves them as much as I do.  We just leave this little house open most of the time and he sits just the way he's shown in the picture to play with them. 

Avery learning to cut the grass: (train 'em young, I say)
My three youngest kids in their footed sleepers.  Ashlie wishes she had some too.  Avery didn't want to cooperate for the picture because he was over-tired.
Just eatin' some lunch:
Alex is a great help around the house!  Avery likes to "vacuum" with his little toy, so he follows around whomever is vacuuming and copies their motions. 

Lately when Avery gets sleepy he just finds a piece of carpet somewhere and starts drinking his milk with his blankie.  I ask if he's ready to go nigh-night and he nods, then I carry him in to bed.  So sweet!
Avery loves this old stroller of Olivia's.  He carts his teddy bear and sippy cup around in it many times every day.
Avery is such a hat boy!  His very favorite (by far) is his brother's baseball cap.  He wears it around all the time, usually with his head tilted up so he can see out.  Alex is wonderful to share with his little brother, almost always taking it right off his head and giving it to Avery.  He is an amazing older brother, always showing him how to do things and sharing his stuff (which he hates to share with anyone else). 

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I love these pictures!