Monday, May 30, 2011

Cute Little Avery

Alex & Avery
Avery has been so, so, so cute lately.  And stubborn, too.  He is definitely two. 

A couple of months ago he started calling Rob and I "Daddia" (pronounced Daddy-uh) and "Mommia" (pronounced Mommy-uh)".  It really is adorable.  He's our first baby that has come up with nick-names for us!  So now we call him "Babia" and "Averia" sometimes.  

He has begun to put words together independently (more than just "bye daddy" and the like).  He frequently points at something and says what it is and what color it is.  For example, we were at the store today and he pointed at a lady and said, "yellow purse".  When I'm using my Kindle he says, "Let me try".

Cars still top Avery's list of favorite toys.  This truck & trailer combo is his recent favorite because he can haul other cars with it!   (This is the smile he uses when he poses - his natural smile is so much cuter!)

He works out his problems frequently by demanding that we "Share!" and by telling us it's his "Turn!".

Avery LOVES Toy Story and plays with his Buzz, Woody and Bullseye figures all the time.  He is especially fond of Buzz.  He plays in a very imaginative way that is fun to watch.

Even at the library, Avery wanted to read his favorite book, which we have at home!

His favorite book is "Big Dog, Little Dog", but he insists we read it, "Big Daddy, Little Avery", replacing the word "dog" with "Daddy" and "Avery" all through the book. 


Debbie said...

How adorable is this!

Aubrey Anne said...

Hahaha, I want to read Big Daddy, Little Avery! That's so cute! I love love love this little one. Writing it down is the only way you'll remember just how cute it was, so glad you're keeping track!