Saturday, February 14, 2009

25 Random Facts About Me

1. I LOVE scrapbooking. I go to Scrapbook USA twice a year and look forward to it the rest of the year.
2. I love going to things like BYU’s Women’s Conference and Education Week. I enjoy the classes, the atmosphere and having time to think.
3. My house is never as clean as I’d like and I get on edge when it’s messy. (By contrast, I don’t mind at all if other people’s houses aren’t clean.)
4. While doing other things, I frequently listen to old talks on my ipod. I can listen to the same talks over and over and not get bored.
5. I wish I were a better mom. I should be more patient and spend more time talking to and listening to my kids. I am struggling to provide for all the emotional, physical, educational and spiritual needs of 4 children.
6. I have space issues. I need more personal space than a lot of people I know. This doesn’t mean I’m unfriendly or I don’t like you – it just means I’m uncomfortable being really close.
7. I house clean for another family twice each month. It’s a good source of income, I love the people I clean for, and I love the feeling I have when I leave and it’s all clean.
8. I have a serious addiction to dark chocolate. Dove is my favorite. I could eat it all day, every day. Are there support groups for people with this problem?
9. I love to share my baby. If you ever want to hold him, feed him, change him, etc. - just ask. If I seem hesitant, it’s only because I think he’ll probably spit up on you! I’m happy to share the joy!
10. I have a B.S. degree in Human Resource Management from USU. I have worked as HR Clerk, Specialist, Generalist, Manager, Consultant & Director. I was good at it. I also have my PHR (Professional in Human Resources) certification. My favorite part of HR was fighting the legal claims former employees made (i.e. unfounded unemployment claims, discrimination, etc.). I quit working when I had #3.
11. I would rather clean than cook any day.
12. I love folding laundry.
13. I am not a risk-taker. Security and reliability are very important to me.
14. I love movies. I love going to theatres and I love videos at home. Dreamer and my favorite thing to do is crawl in bed with ice cream and watch a movie. (Of course, I also bring a project to work on.)
15. I am not very social in large groups. I much prefer one-on-one or very small groups.
16. I love to read, but rarely make time for it. I feel guilty that I don’t, but it always gets bumped to the end of the list that never ends.
17. I hate the phone: answering it, talking on it, listening to voice mail, returning phone calls. It’s nothing personal – I just hate the phone. If it were up to me, all communication that isn’t in-person would be via computer. Some people I know take offense to this; they don’t get me.
18. I love doing family history work. I was really getting into it when I got pregnant with Cutesome and was too sick to do much of anything. Now I have a baby at home and have a hard time doing just a little here and there. I would much rather delve into it and let it consume my whole life.
19. I’m the fourth of six children.
20. I love naps. On the days I get a nap, I’m a much better mom through the evening hours. Everyone at home is happier if I get enough sleep!
21. I like going to the gym. It is extremely hard to get myself there, but once I’m there I really enjoy it and, of course, I feel great after. If only child care was simpler…
22. I need a really simple hair style. Spending a bunch of time fixing my hair seems like a waste of time to me. No matter how much time I spend doing it one day, it just has to do be done again the next! Consequently, my hair has been pretty much the same forever.
23. I have no sense of rhythm. For this and other reasons, I can’t dance.
24. I am terrible at keeping in touch with people.
25. I love reading lists like this about other people!


mIcHeLLe said...

oh I LOVE your list...and my favorite is the "I hate the phone" I too hate the phone...our voicemail is always full and I never listen to them...I would rather just email you or call you back and see what you wanted...esp. when we got close to getting behind on bills, I never wanted to answer the dumb thing.

Jon said...

I hate the phone too! We got rid of our cell phones and every now and then I miss them, but usually I love the break.

And I abhor voicemail. When Karla was in NYC for 3 weeks I never once checked it. I only check it now when she specifically tells me there's something I need to hear.

So, never be offended if you can't get me on the phone.

- Jon

Jon said...

Yeah, so I put that comment on the wrong post. Sorry.

I would LOVE to read this list about you, but I need you to give me some line breaks first. Maybe a return before every numbered item?


- Jon