Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love Is In The Air

Dynamite (age 5) cracks me up. Today he announced that he is in LOVE with a girl in his class named Sadie. (She is a super cute blonde girl whose father I was friends with in college.) While making valentines, he worked especially hard on hers: he made sure her name was written in pink, he drew hearts on the envelope, and gave her 2 candies! Before heading to bed he crawled up on my lap and said that he wanted to tell me something. He said, "First, I need to tell her I love her. Second, I need to make sure she doesn't move to another place (I think he means she sits by him). Third, I need to see if she loves me. Fourth, I need to see if I really love her....I really love her." This is the first time he has ever even approached the subject of "loving" or even having a crush on a girl. It's so funny to see his little mind process how he feels about other kids.


Debbie said...

Can I steal his "cute words" for my blog? Some people might not see yours who do see mine.

Aubrey Anne said...

Holy cow, that's awful. I don't know how you're dealing! :( You've been REPLACED!! Sad, sad. He's old. Thank goodness you have a baby.