Sunday, March 29, 2009

Refreshed & Renewed

Dreamer & I.

Scott & Christine (Dreamer's Sister)

We returned today from our mini vacation to St. George. It was SO SO SO nice to get away! I feel utterly guilty for leaving all my little darlings with relatives, but Rob and I had some seriously nice downtime. Thank you so much Harv, Joanne, Mom, Jenny & Fred! What would we do without you???

While in St. George we went shopping, ate out, saw movies, took naps, read, and relaxed. It was exactly the kind of vacation I needed - not overly scheduled and in good company (Thanks Scott & Christine for coming with us!).

Confidence, Vivacious, and Dynamite spent most of the 3 days with Dreamer's parents and most of Saturday with my mom and my sister and her husband. Cutesome spent his weekend with my sister and her husband, who took turns holding our ultra-fussy baby. Unfortunately, Cutesome slept significantly less during the nights than he usually does, maybe because each time he woke up he realized he wasn't in his own house with his own mom and dad. He was also pretty difficult during the days, not wanting to sleep like a good baby. He has a cold, so perhaps that contributed to his fussiness. I guess we are eternally in debt to our child care providers now! Dreamer and I missed the kids so much and despite the fun weekend, we are happy to be at home with them again.

It was nice to get home early-ish in the day. We got to Bountiful at about 3:30, spent some time with the kids, then had dinner at my parents' house. We went home shortly after dinner because we wanted some unwinding time before the week starts again. Avery went to sleep a few minutes ago and the other kids are just relaxing. I've unpacked and I began the laundry and feel refreshed and ready to tackle life again!

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